З досвіду роботи


Урок домашнього читання

Інсценізація казки «Пряничний хлопчик»


Form: 4

Topic: Відпочинок і дозвілля.


Aim: формування навичок читання та усного мовлення.

 Objectives: - практикувати в читанні казки Gingerbread boyта виконанні

                       вправ на розуміння прочитаного;

                    - практикувати в інсценізації казки;

                    - вчити вживати дієслова в Past Indefinite

Outcomes: - вміти переказувати прочитане;

                    - навчитися вживати дієслова в Past Indefinite


Equipment: PBs, copy-books, HOs, pictures, audio, video, costumes.



      I.            Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Greeting.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children! How are you today?

                 ( Song “Every day I go to school”)

      We are going to read a fairy tale today. Do you like reading fairy tales?

          2. Warming-up. Tongue twister with [dʒ] sound:

Jumpy George enjoyed the jungle gym.

Фонетичне відпрацювання скоромовки. Режим роботи: Teacher Class; TeacherP1, P2, P3, etc.

Find and name the words with [dʒ] sound.


   II.            Основна частина уроку

1.     Reading of the fairy tale “Gingerbread boy”

1)    pre-reading: Vocabulary : Gingerbread boy, old woman (pictures), once upon a time (all the fairy tales start like this – колись давним-давно)


2)    while-reading: Read the fairy tale and act it out.

Gingerbread Boy

Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She hadn’t any children. One day the old woman cooked a Gingerbread Boy. She said: - Now I have a little boy of my own.

The Gingerbread Boy went for a walk. First he saw a cow.

G.B. – Hello! I am a Gingerbread Boy. Who are you?

C. – Hello! I am a Cow. Nice to meet you, Gingerbread Boy!

G.B. – Nice to meet you too. Do you want to be my friend?

C. – With great pleasure!

The cow gave the Gingerbread Boy some milk and they became good friends.

The Gingerbread Boy went to the forest. He saw a dog in the forest.

G.B. – Hello! I am a Gingerbread Boy. Who are you?

D. – Hello! I am a Dog. Nice to meet you, Gingerbread Boy!

G.B. – Nice to meet you too. Do you want to be my friend?

D. – With great pleasure!

The dog gave the Gingerbread Boy some meat and they became good friends.

Then he saw a cat near the river.

G.B. – Hello! I am a Gingerbread Boy. Who are you?

C. – Hello! I am a Cat. Nice to meet you, Gingerbread Boy!

G.B. – Nice to meet you too. Do you want to be my friend?

C. – With great pleasure!

The cat gave the Gingerbread Boy some flowers and they became good friends.

The Gingerbread Boy took his new friends home. Now the old woman was happy because she had a lot of friends.


3)    post-reading:

Match the parts of the sentences:

1)    Once upon a time there lived                                                a. a cow

2)    One day the old woman cooked                                            b. happy

3)    The Gingerbread Boy went                                                   c. a dog

4)    First he saw                                                                           d. an old woman

5)    The cow gave him                                                                 e. home

6)    Then he saw                                                                          f. a Gingerbread Boy

7)    The Gingerbread Boy took his new friends                          g. for a walk

8)    Now the old woman was                                                       h. some milk


Agree or disagree:

1.     Once upon a time there lived a young man.

2.     One day the old woman cooked a cake.

3.     The Gingerbread Boy went for a walk.

4.     He saw a dog first.

5.     The cat gave him some milk.

6.     The Gingerbread Boy took his new friends home.

7.     Now the old woman had a lot of money.


Answer the questions:

1.     What did the old woman cook one day?

2.     Where did the Gingerbread Boy go?

3.     Whom did he see first?

4.     Did the cow give him milk or honey?

5.     Whom did the Gingerbread Boy see in the forest?

6.     Whom did he see near the river?

7.     Where did the Gingerbread Boy take his new friends?

8.     Was the old woman happy now? Why?


Фізкультхвилинка “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”


2.     Writing: Find in the text Past forms of the following verbs: live, have, cook, go, see, give, become, take


3.     Speaking: Retell the fairytale.


III.            Заключна частина уроку

Summarizing: – What fairy tale have we read at the today’s lesson?

                         – Do you like it?

  Hometask: to review the vocabulary.


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